My descriptive image alt text

Rishabh Garg 


  • Web Developer  @Independent

    2022-Present | Delhi, India

    Oversaw and successfully finalized multiple projects, efficiently meeting clients' business needs by providing tailored solutions that fulfilled their requirements.

  • Software Engineer  @University of Florida

    2020-2022 | Gainesville, FL, USA

    Collaborated within an interdisciplinary team to develop research applications, facilitating nurse researchers in their studies. This effort enhanced data collection and analysis, contributing significantly to nursing research and its practical applications.

  • Research Programmer  @University of Florida

    2019-2020 | Gainesville, FL, USA

    Maintained research applications for nursing research and created application to automate processing of patients pain reporting images, bringing image analysis time by 97%

  • Database Administrator Intern  @Oracle

    2016-2017 | Noida, UP, India

    Worked on a team responsible for maitaining Oracle internal datbases
